Scott H. Biram unleashes a fervent display of conviction through, not only the genuine blues, classic country, bluegrass, and rock n roll, but he seals the deal with punk, heavy metal, and frankly, anything else he wants to. He’s The Dirty Old One Man Band.
He will still the room with haunting South Texas blues, then turn it upside down, into a truck driver’s mosh pit. Like he says, it might be baptism, or it might be murder, either way…you gonna see the light.
This legally ordained preacher’s singing, yodeling, growling, leering and brash preachin’ and hollerin’ is accompanied by sloppy riffs, and licks literally yanked, one at a time, out of his collection of crusty, worn out, Gibson hollowbody guitars, and battle axes. All this held down with a pounding backbeat brought forth by his amplified left foot, and self customed stomp board. The remainder of this brutally charming one-man band consists of an unwieldy combination of beat-up amplifiers and old microphones strung together by a tangled mess of guitar cables. Don’t get too close! You gonna get some grease on ya!
Years of compulsive touring, along with a steady diet of down and dirty blues, rock, punk, country, and hillbilly have developed Scott H. Biram’s signature concoction, attracting a hefty array of fans who dig the bizarre and twisted sides of the rock and roll spectrum. His live shows, performed all over the world, deliver a take no prisoners attitude, a stomping, pulsing John Lee Hooker-channeling, and cockeyed tales of black water baptisms and murder, all while romanticizing the on-the-road lifestyle. SCOTT H. BIRAM IS THE DIRTY OLD ONE MAN BAND. ©1974
The JD Pinkus Triptych is the natural progression for Pinkus. After years of playing with the likes of Butthole Surfers, Melvins, Helios Creed, Honky, Pure Luck, and more, he settled into a solo career of psychedelic banjo or as he calls it ‘Space Grass’.
After purchasing an old church in West Asheville, known now as the Frijoleness Church of West Asheville with his wife, they began curating monthly Sunday shows and the Taco Tuesday Jam Sessions (no guitars allowed). Out of those jams came a band made of Banjo, Piano, and an experimental Cocktail Drum Kit all playing JD Pinkus songs from his past and some new ones to add since the inception.
On Piano is Billy Sheeran a solo artist/session player/soundtrack composer who performed on Pinkus’ last album Grow A Pear and on Drums is Richard Kirby, multi instrumental/skateboarding/tattooist with roots in the Desert music scene and the Appalachian mountains.
The catalog is as diverse as the members of the band and have been in the studio recording as well as booking up shows starting the Springtime of 2025.